Who is June4

June4 is a discord bot that is built to act simular to a sercretary, and can be easily modified to support your needs.

Stable Version Last Update Base Version Unstable Version
1.5.166 April 2017 June Base 3 1.6.1

June4 Commands as of

Secretary commands

Command Use
June tell “OWNER” sends message to bots owner.
June note “XXX” Creates a note of XXX

Status Commands

| Command | Use | | ————- |:————-:| | June boot| Loads up boot menu | | June status| Loads up status menu | | June help| Loads up help menu | | June about| Loads up bio | | June info| Loads up admin info |

Debug Commands

Command Use
June disconnect June Disconnects from all servers (Only owner can use this)
June reboot June reboots systems (Only owner can use this)
June terminate ### June crashes system, requires Identification #, most often used to terminate a specific instance of June4 (Only owner can use this)

About June4 Terminate

June4 Terminate is a command that allows the owner to turn off a specific june, this allows the Owner to test multiple junes at once. On boot June4 will send you a message telling you that it has powered on, it will give you the Identification Number, this number is used to tell which june to accept the termination command.

How to set Up June4

To use June you need to host her on your own server as she is a personalised bot made for specifically you.

Host your own

  1. Download the most recent June4 Base, these are recomended versions of june with the least bugs.
  2. open June4 inside atom or visual studio, It has been found that other text editors often break the code (if you see “Ä” in the code, that means the code has been broken.
  3. Change all of the variables.
  4. Change your token, and your owner ID
  5. Open terminal and type “ npm install discordie “
  6. Now type “ node LOCATION_OF_FILE “
  7. June4 should be up and running!